OPENING OF THE ELEMENTAL TEMPLE Issued by the Thelemic Order and Temple of the Golden Dawn Officers Temple Chief (Hierophant, Priest) Kerux (Herald, Guard and Assistant) (Kerux performs the Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.) Temple Chief: (Rises with a knock, and says) Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. (All others rise with a knock, and say) Love is the law, love under will. Kerux: (Goes to North-East, to Hierophant's right, faces West, and says) The Word of the Law is Thelema! Temple Chief: Frater Kerux, assist me to open the Temple. See that the Temple is properly guarded. (Kerux goes to the Temple door and assures himself that all is secure. He then returns to his station and faces the Temple Chief.) Kerux: Very Honoured Chief, the Temple is properly guarded. Temple Chief: What Element do we meet to invoke this holy day? Kerux: The Element (Element). Temple Chief: Fellow Magicians, let us give the Sign of [Element]. (All give the Elemental Sign. Temple Chief then performs the Lesser Invoking Pentagram Ritual of [Element].) Temple Chief: Let us adore the Supreme Lord of the Universe! (All face East and give the Sign of the Flaming Star, otherwise called the Sign of Osiris Risen.) Temple Chief: Adoration be unto Thee, Lord of the Universe: for Thou hast permitted us to enter thus far into the Sanctuary of Thine Ineffable Mystery; and hast vouchsafed to manifest unto us some little fragment of the Glory of Thy Supreme Being. Hear us, Thou Vast and Mighty One; hear us, and grant that our Will be done! Grant that we may ever uphold and exercise Thine Holy Way of Liberty, as gods who are free to do their Will amongst the legions of the living; and grant unto us the comprehension of aught that may bring us nearer unto Thee. Teach us, Lord Horus, more and more of Thy Mystery and Thy Mastery. Let each day and night and hour bring us nearer, near unto Thee. Let us aid Thee in Thy Great Work upon earth, so that we may one day become truly united unto Thee in all Thy Infinite Glory of Light, Life, Love and Liberty. Let there be a link of unity between us, that we may ever seek, and seeking, obtain Freedom and Knowledge in Thee who art our very Selfhood, that we may duly partake of Thy Supreme Essence of Power to attain the Grand Philosopher's Stone, the Summum Bonum, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness. And for this day, teach us how we may learn from Thee the Mysteries of Thy Transcendental Magick of Light: how we may gain from the Dwellers in the bright Elements their knowledge and power, and how best we may use that knowledge and power to assist our fellow men and women to accomplish Thy Great Work upon earth. By the Sign of Light (trace Cross in air) appear Thou glorious upon the Throne of the Sun. Make open the Path of Intelligence and Creation between us and our minds. Enlighten our understanding. Encourage our hearts. Let thy Light crystallize itself in our blood, fulfilling us of resurrection. Let Thy Splendid Radiance shine forth from the East, illuminating this Temple and aiding us in the magical work which we now undertake. O Lord, may our Will which is thine be done! (Temple Chief goes to the proper elemental quadrant, and with his Wand he traces the Invoking Spirit Pentagram and Invoking Elemental Pentagram.) Temple Chief: In the Name of (Earth) Adonai (Air) Yehovah (Water) Al (Fire) Elohim Spirits of [Element] adore your Creator! (He again traces the invoking Elemental Pentagram.) In the Name of (Earth) Auriel (Air) Raphael (Water) Gabriel (Fire) Elohim Great Archangel of [Element], Spirits of [Element], adore your Creator! (He makes the proper Kerubic Sign in the centre of the Pentagram.) In the Name of (Earth) Phorlakh (Air) Chassan (Water) Talihad (Fire) Aral Mighty Angel of [Element], Spirits of [Element], adore your Creator! (Holding wand on high, touching Spirit point of Pentagram.) In the Name of (Earth) Kerub (Air) Ariel (Water) Tharsis (Fire) Seraph Ruler of [Element], Spirits of [Element], adore your Creator! (He gives the knock of the element: 3-4-3; 3-3-3; 4-4; 3-1-3.) Temple Chief: Frater Kerux, in the Name of the Lord of the Element [Element], I bid you declare that the Temple is duly opened. Kerux: In the Name of [God Name of Element], I declare this Temple duly opened in the Element of [Element]. All: AUMN. CLOSING Temple Chief: (Rises with a knock, and says) Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. (All rise with a knock and say) Love is the law, love under will. Kerux: (Goes to North East, to Hierophant's right, faces West, and says) The Word of the Law is Thelema! Temple Chief: Frater Kerux, assist me to close the Temple. See that the Temple is properly guarded. (Kerux goes to Temple door and assures himself that all is secure. He then returns to his station and faces the Temple Chief.) Kerux: Very Honoured Chief, the Temple is properly guarded. Temple Chief: Let us adore the Lord of [Element]! (All face East) Temple Chief: [God Name of Element], blessed be Thy Name for all eternity. (All give Elemental Sign. Temple Chief goes to Quarter of Element. All others face that direction.) Temple Chief: Let us rehearse the Prayer of the [Element]. (Temple Chief recites the appropriate Elemental Prayer.) (Temple Chief traces the Banishing Spirit Pentagram and Banishing [Element] Pentagram.) Temple Chief: Depart ye in peace unto your abodes and habitations. May the blessing of [God Name of Element] be upon you. Be there peace between us; and be ye ready to come when called. (Temple Chief returns to his throne.) Temple Chief: In the Name of [God Name of Element], I declare this Temple duly closed in the Element of [Element]. All: AUMN. (All sit. Kerux performs the Lesser Banishing Pentagram Ritual of [Element].) (Important Note: The Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram may be used to invoke or banish any of the four elements. In all cases, the god names stay the same, that is, IHVH in the East, ADNI in the South, AHIH in the West, and AGLA in the North. The only difference is that the appropriate Elemental Pentagram is used in each case.)